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Educational Technology Requirements

Educational Technology students are required to complete seven performances which reflect their learnings throughout their educational journey. Many of the performances are tied to work related situations and the projects have been implented in most cases.  Since I am employed in higher education, I followed the AECT-SMETS standards.  
Benchmark ePortfolio
Needs Assessment
Instructional Design
Curriculum Project
Technology Plan
Action Research Project
Capstone ePortfolio
Summative Statement:

While pursuing a Master’s Degree in Educational Technology, I followed the AECT Standards. AECT is the Association for Educational and Communication Technology. The standards are excellence in design, development, utilization, management and evaluation.  While moving through the Educational Technology coursework, I completed projects that incorporate the standards to demonstrate my understanding of the standard.  


Most of the projects I completed in the courses related to my position as Program Coordinator in the Division of Professional & Continuing Studies at the University of Delaware.  I had numerous opportunities to incorporate educational technology in some way to make an improvement or to improve a process.  More recently, I transitioned to a role as Academic Advisor.  In my new role, I will have opportunities to use technology to enhance or improve the experience of students and/or employees in the department.  


The progress from the beginning to now is remarkable in knowledge gained. Regarding the industry, the speed at which technology changes is remarkable. Just one example is when I started, tables were a big part of website design. Now, due to compatibility issues, they are not. That’s just one example of how the ever changing technology landscape is changing.  


Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to design conditions for learning by applying principles of instructional systems design, message design, instructional strategies, and learner characteristics.


For the Instructional Design project, I completed a lesson plan that incorporated technology.  I took a current lesson from the Project Management Certificate class and enhanced it with technology.  Specifically, I added a pre-recorded video lesson.  The video lesson was housed online for easy, 24 hour access.  I instructed the students to view the online lesson and complete a task prior to the class that the concept would be discussed.  Using this flipped classroom philosophy, students learned on their own and applied their knowledge. The classroom time was used more efficiently by addressing student issues. Additionally, classroom time could be used for a more advanced lesson.  In reflecting back on the outcomes, it was a good learning experience for the students that were able to complete the assignment. However, due to Internet connectivity issues, some students had issues.  To help alleviate this issue, students will be allowed to use the UD building prior to the classroom.  


Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop instructional materials and experiences using print, audiovisual, computer-based, and integrated technologies.


Throughout the coursework required in this program, my knowledge of website developed was greatly enhances.  Through various tools, I learned how to create educational websites that were intuitively, informational, easy to use and some responsive.  I learned how to display information in an easy to use format while not overloading the user.  I also learned basic HTML code which has been very empowering to understand the language of websites. Reflecting back I know understand how helpful it is to have basic HTML knowledge.    


While creating the Capstone E-Portfolio, I reflected on all of the past projects and website development. Seeing the progression of my development skills from the first project to the final capstone shows how much I have learned over the course of this program.  The program has also required me to stay more in touch with technology in general.  I have a far better understanding now than I did when I started.This has also helped me stay more aware of various social media platforms.   As a parent, it’s important to stay up to date on the social media platforms that my children may be using.  


Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to use processes and resources for learning by applying principles and theories of media utilization, diffusion, implementation, and policy-making.


I focused the Needs Assessment on the technology needs of courses offered by Professional & Continuing Studies.  Part of the Needs Assessment in any situation is what technology is available, affordable and what would be approved for installation.  For example, the Needs Assessment revealed the need for a video camera to be used for guest speakers that could join a class virtually.  I researched options by reading articles, reading reviews, and consulting with colleagues. Keeping budget in mind, a recommendation for purchase was made.. After purchasing it, the installation was a time consuming process due to various departments involvement.  Technology utilization requires more than just identifying the need. It requires research, money, co-operation of others and teamwork to achieve the desired outcome.  


Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions to plan, organize, coordinate, and supervise instructional technology by applying principles of project, resource, delivery system, and information management.


During the course titled ‘Google Apps in Education’ I learned how empowering Google Apps are.  I used Google Forms to create an online survey to collect the needs of the instructors that teach in the programs that I managed.  After collecting the data, I shared the technology requirements with building management, colleagues, and the IT unit.  Managing the various aspects of using technology can be challenging and an ongoing project.  The co-operation and support of many employees is needed including leadership, building management, IT and support staff.  


For the Curriculum Design project, I used a Learning Management System, Sakai for the Project Management course.  The Sakai site housed various documents, included an online video lesson and allowed participants to submit work.  The instructor of the class was a key player, but I was the manager of the course in Sakai.  When things went wrong, it was my responsibility to fix it.  In looking back on this project, it was overall a success. While there were some minor issues that came up, overall, it enhanced the students experience and made some things easier for the faculty members.  Having understand of how to manage a Learning Management System is an important skill for some in educational technology and I’m glad I have this experience.  During a recent interview for a new position, I was asked about my knowledge of Learning Management Systems and I was able to state that I had this skill and give examples of the work that I completed.  


Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions to evaluate the adequacy of instruction and learning by applying principles of problem analysis, criterion-referenced measurement, formative and summative evaluation, and long-range planning.


For the Action Research Project, I focused on improving the program evaluation response rates.  Some of these questions specifically asked about the use of technology in the course.  The results from the evaluations are analyzed to make sure the technology is enhancing the course work from the students viewpoint.


The Needs Assessment Project evaluated the technology needs.  Part of the Needs Assessment was current state which included inventory of equipment. The other part of the Needs Assessment was the technology needs.  In an ideal world, the Needs Assessment should be repeated annually.  As part of the project, an online inventory list was created and should be updated annually.  






















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